Stick Friends
- Sticks (collect your own in nature or use popsicle sticks)
- Construction paper to cut out clothes, fabric or other decorations
- Pipe cleaners
- Googly eyes
- Glue
- Scissors
- Markers, as needed
Recipe for Creativity
1.Take your stick or popsicle stick and decorate/dress however you like!
Fun Fact!
Stick figures originated in prehistoric art and were later used as linguistic symbols in writing systems like Egyptian and Chinese.
Discussion Questions
- How many friends do you want to make? Will there be a theme?
- What inspired you to make your friends (did you think of friends or family or characters you know)?
- What would your friends do?
“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible”.
– Walt Disney
Get In Touch With Us
If you are interested in learning more about Creations For Cures, interested in volunteer opportunities or just have a question, please reach out to us.
Amigo De Palo
- Palitos (reúna los suyos en la naturaleza o use palitos de helado)
- Papel de construcción para recortar ropa, tela u otras decoraciones.
- Limpiadores de pipa
- Ojos saltones
- Pegamento
- Tijeras
- Marcadores, según sea necesario
Receta Para la Creatividad
1. ¡Toma tu palito o palito de helado y decora/vístete como quieras!
¡Hecho de la Diversión!
Las figuras de palo se originaron en el arte prehistórico y luego se usaron como símbolos lingüísticos en sistemas de escritura como el egipcio y el chino.
Preguntas de Discusión
- ¿Cuántos amigos quieres hacer?¿Habrá un tema?
- ¿Qué te inspiró a hacer tus amigos (pensaste en amigos o familiares o personajes sabes)?
- ¿Qué harían tus amigos?
“Es divertido hacer lo imposible”.
-Walt Disney
Get In Touch With Us
If you are interested in learning more about Creations For Cures, interested in volunteer opportunities or just have a question, please reach out to us.
Copyright Creations For Cures 2024 - PO Box 2113 Gresham, OR 97030